Certification Training - Levels 1 & 2
Level 1 & 2 let learn about hypnotherapy, and start to put it into practice. You can discover how it works, for you and for your client.
Level 1; Get a certificate for your learning.
Level 2; Get a certificate for your implementation of learning.
If you decide to go on to become a hypnotherapy professional, as part or all of your healing practice, professional level training is available.
Join a community of learners and healers, where you can meet and reach out to have Pairs Practice or Session Swaps.
Stages on the Healer's Path

Levels Of Training
Complete a) the Video Course. Your certificate will show, e.g. "Certificate of Completion - Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist" or "Certificate of Completion - Specialist Hypnotherapist - Confidence".
There is one assignment, that's an optional exercise you can do for yourself with your clients or subjects.
Complete a) the Video Course and b) one Assignment. Your certificate will show, e.g. "Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist" or "Specialist Hypnotherapist - Confidence".
Email in one assignment to Mark. It's based on sessions you give to one to three of your subjects or clients. You'll get basic feedback via email.
Complete a) the Video Course, and b) an Assignment, and c) Mentoring. Your certificate will show, e.g. "Advanced Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist" or "Advanced Specialist Hypnotherapist - Confidence".
Email in a series of four assignments, based on a series of sessions you give to three of your subjects or clients.
Mentoring; via a series of 4 Zoom calls of 90 minutes each, to examine the assignments. Review what you did, what you didn't do, your questions, and get extensive feedback. Gain deep competence and confidence.
Level 1: Learn Hypnotherapy; a) Initial Healers; learn about hypnotherapy, to see if you want to go deeper. b) Experienced Healers; explore if you can add hypnotherapy into your current practice.
Level 2: Practice Hypnotherapy; actually put it into practice by giving real hypnotherapy sessions, writing up your outcomes in one assignment.
Level 3: Earn as a Professional; a) Initial Healers; who want an in-depth high level initiation, to build a career and work with clients. b) Experienced Healers; who need to get to a level of excellence in hypnotherapy immediately, in order to match their existing skills, and add a new modality to their clients.
Level 1 and 2; A Facebook group exists for students to meet and match with each other.
Level 3; Mark knows each student personally, so he can select and make the most appropriate matches, mostly with fellow Level 3 students. Matches will be for a program of three sessions.

Level 1
Certificate of Completion

Level 2
Certified Hypnotherapist

Level 3
Advanced Certified Hypnotherapist